You’ve heard it time and time again: wear sunscreen! But have you made it an actual habit yet? Let’s be real, most of us don’t apply sunscreen every single day, but we probably should. Making sunscreen part of your daily routine is so important for your long-term health and protecting your skin. In this article, we’ll talk about why you need to be wearing sunscreen daily, bust some common sunscreen myths, share tips for choosing the right sunscreen for your skin type, and give you easy strategies to help make sunscreen application a regular habit. We know it can be a pain to add another step to your morning or pre-beach routine, but trust us, your skin will thank you in the long run. Read on to learn why sun protection needs to become as routine as brushing your teeth!

The Importance of Daily Sunscreen Use

Sunscreen isn’t just for the beach or pool days – it’s an essential part of your daily skincare routine. Here’s why you need to slather it on every day:

  • Protects against skin damage. UV radiation from the sun causes photoaging like wrinkles, age spots, and leathery skin. Daily sunscreen use shields your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays and prevents signs of premature aging.
  • Reduces skin cancer risk. Skin cancer is the most common cancer, and sun exposure is the leading cause. Wearing sunscreen daily helps block UV radiation that can cause melanoma and other skin cancers.
  • Slows down visible signs of aging. Up to 90% of skin aging comes from sun exposure. Daily sun protection helps keep your skin looking smooth, firm, and youthful by preventing sun spots, wrinkles, and sagging.
  • Prevents sunburns. We’ve all experienced the pain of a nasty sunburn. Applying sunscreen every day prevents sunburns from happening and the discomfort that comes with them.
  • Sets a good example. Practicing daily sun safety shows your kids and others the importance of sun protection. Set a healthy example by making sunscreen application an essential part of your daily routine.

Daily sunscreen use, along with limiting the time in the sun during peak hours, is the best way to keep your skin healthy and protected. Make it a habit for life-long skin wellness and younger-looking skin. Lather up that sunscreen and apply it each and every day!

Free photo woman's face into a shield makes spf protection from ray

Choosing the Right Sunscreen for Your Skin Type

When it comes to sunscreen, one size doesn’t fit all. To get the protection you need without irritation, choose a formula tailored to your skin type.

If you have sensitive skin, look for a sunscreen labeled “for sensitive skin” or “hypoallergenic.” Mineral-based sunscreens with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide tend to be gentler. Avoid fragrances and PABA, which can irritate sensitive skin.

For dry skin, choose a moisturizing sunscreen, such as a cream or lotion. These provide sun protection as well as hydration. Ointments with shea butter, jojoba oil or dimethicone help seal in moisture.

Oily or acne-prone skin does well with lightweight, oil-free sunscreens, especially gel or serum formulas. Look for “non-comedogenic” on the label, meaning it won’t clog pores. Matte finish sunscreens also help prevent a greasy look.

No matter your skin type, look for a “broad-spectrum” sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays with an SPF of at least 30. Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours when outside for extended periods of time.

By choosing a sunscreen formulated for your unique skin type, you’ll get the sun protection you need without dealing with irritation or breakouts. Make daily sunscreen use a habit for skin health and youthfulness. Your future self will thank you!

How to Apply Sunscreen on Your Face: Your Complete Guide

Tips for Making Sunscreen Part of Your Morning Routine

Building sunscreen into your daily morning routine is key. Here are some tips to help make it a habit:

  • Keep your sunscreen in an easy to reach spot in your bathroom, like on your counter by the sink. Out of sight, out of mind — you want it visible so you remember to apply it.
  • Apply sunscreen right after washing your face and before getting dressed. This makes it part of your regular routine and ensures you don’t forget it. You can also keep moisturizer, makeup or other products you apply daily with your sunscreen.
  • Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 that you enjoy using. Look for one that feels good on your skin, has a fragrance you like or is oil-free if you have oily skin. You’ll be more inclined to use a product you genuinely like.
  • Start with a lower SPF and build up. If you’re not used to wearing sunscreen daily, an SPF of 15 or 30 is a good start. You can then build up to a higher SPF as your skin adapts and sunscreen becomes second nature.
  • Set a reminder on your phone if needed. Use an alarm, calendar alert or to-do list app to prompt you to apply sunscreen every morning until it becomes habit. For many people, it can take several weeks of regular use for sunscreen to become second nature.

Turning sunscreen into an everyday part of your morning routine is the most effective way to gain the sun protection benefits. Be patient and consistent, choose a product you genuinely like and make applying it as easy as possible. Before you know it, slathering on sunscreen will be just another part of your day.


So there you have it. While it may seem inconvenient at first, getting into the habit of applying sunscreen every day is one of the best things you can do for your long-term health. Not only will it reduce your risk of skin cancer, it can also help prevent premature aging and sun damage. Start slow by keeping some SPF on hand to use in the mornings. Over time, it’ll become second nature. Your skin will thank you. Who knows – you may even inspire some friends and family to be more diligent with sun protection when they see how healthy your skin looks. We all know someone who could benefit from daily SPF, so spread the word about this simple step that makes a big difference.

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